How To Get Organized With Printables: A Printable Kit Guide For Beginners!

I’ll be real honest with you.

I used to scoff at printables. I thought they were kind of pointless and that they didn’t really serve a real purpose.

But man has my outlook on that changed. It’s changed so much that now I have FUN not only putting together my DIY printable planner (and teaching others how to create theirs) but also planning out my weeks each weekend.

It can be pretty darn cool when you find a tool that is inexpensive and that’s actually helpful and keeps you on track as much as possible (though I do fall off the wagon at times, like all of us do).

Since this was a highly requested topic for the people that read my blog, I decided to create a whole post about it showing you how I put my planner together so it not only helps me get organized, but that also looks GOOD.

I love pretty things and color. Lots of color. But color with some sense and style. Not just put together. That’s why I’m always careful about picking out the designs and layouts of my printable kits.

Because I want them to be as inviting to help you plan and write things out as possible.

One Important thing to remember about printables

I’m not going to sit here and pretend that a piece of paper with some ink on it for you to write on is going to automagically change your life.

It definitely won’t. Not by itself anyway.

What I’m trying to get at is:

A piece of paper won’t change your life, but the intention behind it absolutely does.

First choose what’s more important to you

What are the things that you want to track the most?

Your finances? Your daily habits? 

Then choose your planner breakdown

Choose your favorite planner kit

Have fun putting it together

Ideas for things to track

Note: You can create your own BUJO like this too

How I organize my printable planner

Make it work FOR you

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