105 things to do when you're bored
- Start a Medium blog and share your thoughts with the world (you can also earn money in the process just for fun!)
- If you’ve ever been curious about exploring your personality and how well you work with others, take the free PrinciplesYou test. You’ll learn a few valuable insights about your skills, strengths, and weaknesses you can apply to lots of different areas in your life.
- Get crafty and make your Halloween costume early.
- Make a list of top-rated classic Hollywood movies and work your way through each one. Bonus: Join a Reddit thread that discusses the best and worst parts of films.
- Does your area offer temporary pet fostering? Adopt and foster a pet temporarily.
- Print the best free adult coloring pages you can find and create your own coloring binder. It’s a great and non-comital stress-free activity.
- Learn to make 5-minute microwave desserts and make yourself one.
- Does your skin need some R&R? Try out some homemade sugar scrubs you can create within minutes.
- Try a new friendship app like BumbleBFF or HeyVina.
Include boredom quotes
Include a call to action in the end
Include easy DIY deas they can make from the blog
(Include a list of more boredom busters with a rell no follow link)
Include make a journal, or start a bujo, or create a planner
Start your own blog
Come up with your own exercise routine
Look through weird Craigslist ad