Healthy Meal Prep for a Week (Save Time, Money, and Stay Nourished)

Healthy meal prep has been a game-changer for me when it comes to staying on track with my health and fitness goals.

In the past, I found myself struggling to make healthy choices throughout the day because I didn’t have anything prepared.

I would often resort to fast food or other unhealthy options because it was convenient.

(That’s when I discovered meal prepping)

Meal prepping is the practice of preparing your meals in advance, usually for a week at a time.

It’s a simple concept, but it can have a big impact on your overall health and well-being.

Not only does it save you time and money, but it also helps you make healthier choices throughout the day.

Personally, I’ve found that meal prepping helps me stay on track with my nutrition goals.

I know exactly what I’m eating throughout the week, which helps me make better choices when I’m feeling hungry or tired.

Plus, it takes the guesswork out of meal planning, which can be a huge source of stress for many people.

In this article, I’m going to share my tips and tricks for healthy meal prepping for a week.

Whether you’re a seasoned meal prepper or you’re just getting started, this guide will help you plan and prepare delicious and nutritious meals that will keep you feeling satisfied and energized all week long.

Meal Planning Made Easy

Meal prepping starts with planning.

By planning your meals for the week, you’ll save time and money at the grocery store and avoid the temptation to grab fast food or unhealthy snacks throughout the day.

Here are the steps to plan your meals for the week:

Set a goal

A notepad with the handwritten word with kitchen spoons, overhead flat lay shot on a wooden background

Before you start planning your meals, it’s important to set a goal for yourself. What are you hoping to achieve through meal prepping?

Are you trying to lose weight, build muscle, or simply eat healthier? Once you’ve identified your goal, you can start to plan your meals accordingly.

Find healthy recipes

Happy latin woman preparing salad and talking on video chat via laptop computer, cooking in modern kitchen, free space

The key to successful meal prepping is variety. You don’t want to eat the same thing every day, so it’s important to find a variety of healthy recipes that you enjoy.

Look for recipes that include lean protein, whole grains, and plenty of vegetables.

Personally, I like to browse recipe websites like Cooking Light, Eating Well, and Skinnytaste for inspiration.

These sites have a wide variety of healthy recipes that are easy to prepare and delicious.

Create a grocery list

Notebook, pen and metal shopping trolley on the background of wooden boards.

Once you’ve identified the recipes you want to make for the week, it’s time to create a grocery list.

Take inventory of what you already have on hand and make a list of the ingredients you’ll need to purchase.

Be sure to include snacks and staples like fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Determine portion sizes

Top view photo of glass of water vegetables cabbage tomato pepper almond cashew nuts scales fork and knife on isolated white background with copyspace

When planning your meals, it’s important to consider portion sizes. The goal is to create meals that are satisfying and filling without overeating.

Use a food scale or measuring cups to portion your meals so you know exactly how much you eat.

Personally, I like to portion out my meals in reusable containers so I can grab them on the go.

It’s important to choose microwave safe and leak-proof containers to avoid spills or messes.

I started a bullet journal, and I need a real-world example. I like creating a weekly meal plan in my bullet journal.

I’ll write out the week’s days and plan my meals in advance. This helps me stay on track with my nutrition goals and ensures I have healthy meals prepared throughout the week.

Setting Up Your Meal Prep

Once you’ve planned out your meals for the week, it’s time to start prepping your food.

This can seem overwhelming at first, but with a little planning and organization, you can easily prep all your meals for the week in just a few hours.

Set aside time for meal prep

The key to successful meal prepping is setting aside dedicated time to prepare your meals.

Choose a day and time that works for you and make it a regular part of your routine. Personally, I like to set aside a few hours on Sunday afternoons to meal prep for the week.

Clean and organize your kitchen

Before you start prepping your food, it’s important to clean and organize your kitchen.

Make sure you have plenty of counter space and all of the necessary tools and equipment on hand.

This will make the meal prep process much easier and more efficient.

Prepare ingredients

Start by preparing all of the ingredients you’ll need for your meals. This includes washing and chopping vegetables, cooking grains and proteins, and measuring out spices and seasonings.

Cook meals

Once you’ve prepped all of your ingredients, it’s time to start cooking your meals. Use the recipes you’ve selected to guide you through the cooking process.

Follow the instructions carefully and use a food thermometer to ensure your proteins are cooked to a safe temperature.

Store food

Once your meals are cooked, it’s time to store them properly. Use airtight containers to store your meals in the fridge or freezer.

Be sure to label each container with the name of the dish and the date it was prepared.

A. Breakfast

When it comes to breakfast, there are plenty of options that are easy to prepare and perfect for meal prepping.

Personally, I like to make overnight oats or egg muffins. These can be prepared in advance and stored in the fridge for easy grab-and-go breakfasts throughout the week.

Overnight oats vegan recipe breakfast bowl homemade, including ingredients as rolled oats, soy milk, peanut butter, ground flaxseed, banana, maple syrup dried cranberries and raisins.
Example recipes:
  • Overnight Oats: In a mason jar or container, combine 1/2 cup of oats, 1/2 cup of almond milk, 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, and 1/2 cup of fruit.

    Let it sit in the fridge overnight and enjoy it in the morning.
  • Egg Muffins: In a muffin tin, whisk together 8 eggs and 1/4 cup of milk. Add chopped vegetables and cooked breakfast meats of your choice.

    Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until the eggs are set.
Storage tips:
  • Overnight oats can be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days.
  • Egg muffins can be stored in the fridge for up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months.

B. Lunch

Lunch is often the meal that people struggle with the most when it comes to healthy eating.

By meal prepping your lunches in advance, you’ll be less likely to grab fast food or unhealthy options.

Personally, I like to make salads or bowls for lunch. These are easy to prepare and can be customized to your liking.

healthy vegetable cheese salad in mason jars
Example recipes:
  • Mason Jar Salads: In a mason jar, layer your favorite salad ingredients.

    Start with the dressing at the bottom, followed by hardier vegetables, proteins, and finally, lettuce or greens.

    Store in the fridge until ready to eat.
  • Grain Bowls: Cook a grain of your choice (such as quinoa or brown rice) and top it with roasted vegetables, protein (such as chicken or tofu), and a sauce or dressing of your choice.
Storage tips:
  • Mason jar salads can be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days.

    Just be sure to keep the dressing at the bottom so that the greens don’t get soggy.
  • Grain bowls can be stored in the fridge for up to 4 days.

C. Dinner

Dinner is often the most time-consuming meal to prepare, but with meal prepping, you can have healthy and delicious dinners ready to go in no time.

Personally, I like to make one-pot meals or casseroles for dinner. These are easy to prepare and can be customized to your liking.

Farmers Harvest Chicken Casserole with Wild Rice, Brussel Sprouts, Kale, Onion and Sweet Potatoes
Example recipes:
  • One-Pot Chili: In a large pot, cook a ground turkey or beef until browned.

    Add in diced tomatoes, kidney beans, black beans, chili powder, cumin, and salt.

    Let it simmer for 20-30 minutes.
  • Chicken and Vegetable Casserole: In a casserole dish, layer chopped vegetables (such as zucchini, squash, and bell peppers) and chicken breasts.

    Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning. Bake at 375 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
Storage tips:
  • One-pot meals can be stored in the fridge for up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months.
  • Casseroles can be stored in the fridge for up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months.

D. Snacks

Snacks are an important part of any meal prep plan. They can help keep you fueled throughout the day and prevent overeating at meal times.

Personally, I like to make energy bites or roasted chickpeas for snacks.

Energy bites with quinoa, chia and berry fruits.
Example recipes:
  • Energy Bites: In a food processor, combine dates, nuts, nut butter, and other mix-ins of your choice (such as coconut flakes or chocolate chips).

    Roll into balls and store in the fridge.
  • Roasted Chickpeas: Drain and rinse a can of chickpeas. Toss with olive oil and seasonings of your choice (such as garlic powder or cumin).

    Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
Storage tips:
  • Energy bites can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 weeks or in the freezer for up to 3 months.
  • Roasted chickpeas can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.

By planning and prepping your meals in advance, you’ll be able to save time and make healthier choices throughout the week.

Get Ahead of Your Week with Our Delicious and Nutritious Meal Prep Plan and Free Printable Meal Set!

Free Printable Meal Set

Hey there, lovely! Are you tired of scrambling to figure out what to eat each day, only to order takeout, or resort to unhealthy options?

We feel you, girl! That’s why we’ve put together a healthy and super convenient meal prep plan that will leave you feeling satisfied and energized all week long.

Our delicious meal ideas are carefully crafted to ensure you get all the nutrients you need without sacrificing flavor.

Plus, we’re giving you a free printable meal set to simplify the process!

You’ll love having everything laid out for you, from grocery lists to meal prep instructions.

With our meal prep plan, you’ll save time and money while staying on track with your health goals. So why wait?

Start your week with our healthy meal prep plan and enjoy the benefits all week.


Is it OK to meal prep for 7 days?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), no one should be planning to keep pre-prepped meals around for longer than a handful of days.

That is unless they enjoy a forkful of spoilage bacteria along with that colorful, healthy fare.

What is the ideal meal schedule?

The goal is to eat every 3 to 4 hours in order to keep your blood sugar consistent and for your stomach to optimally digest.

Setting this schedule consistently across days can also help curb overeating which can lead to bloating or indigestion.

Does meal prep lose nutrients?

Once cooked, the nutrient value of the meal doesn’t stay the same as when it was raw.

Because prepared meals do lose nutrients, for instance, vitamin C-rich foods red bell pepper, and potatoes break down a little when surrounded by heat.

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