Berry Smoothie With Almond Milk

A berry smoothie with almond milk sounds great right about now.

Thankfully, a berry smoothie isn’t hard to make, they’re damn delicious, and the nutritional value you get out of them is absolutely out of this world.

Not to mention the nut flavor mixed with the berries is absolutely amazing and leaves you wanting more.

Related: Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie Recipe

Which is also great because since it’s a smoothie and not exactly a sugary piece of cake you feel less guilty about gulping it down!

Smoothies are some of my favorite things to make, especially with my Oster Smoothie Blender, because it makes it SO darn EASY for me to make unique smoothie combinations without having to make a big fat mess.

I also like to make sure I pre-cut fruit ahead of time and store it in separate freezer bags so whenever I want a smoothie and I’m in a hurry, I can just grab a bag with my blender.

But if you’re a stickler about using and throwing away freezer bags, you can just use glass tupperware (I find it keeps the pre-cut fruit in a better state for longer).

Berry Smoothie With Almond Milk

Almond milk is a life save for people who are lactose intolerant. Because this means they can still eat cereal properly!

Ok well I’m halfway kidding saying that but not really.

Once I discovered the negative effects dairy had on my skin, which manifested in bad acne all throughout my teens, I stopped drinking it and turned to almond milk instead.

I’ve honestly never looked back since. And it’s really changed my skin. So all this to say, almond milk is where its at!

It’s full of Vitamin D, has no dairy, is great for your skin, and is super low in calories. 

Smoothies are some of my  favorite things to make because they’re just SO darn easy and I could drink them for days. 

If you ever need to portion out any part of a recipe or are just in need of a good way to memorize measurements you can always look at the kitchen conversion guide to check out how to easily keep track of conversions so your recipes stay intact. 

I’ve got a couple other easy smoothie recipes you’ll want to check out if you want to keep making delicious healthy smoothies—

Watermelon Strawberry Smoothie

How To Make A Green Smoothie For Beginner

15 Healthy Smoothie Recipes To Supercharge Your Day

Berry Smoothie With Almond Milk

Try out a berry smoothie with almonds and almond milk for a nice dose of Vitamin C in a tasty blend!
Prep Time 8 minutes


  • 1 cup blackberries
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 11/2 cups strawberries
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1/3 cup almonds
  • 21/2 cups almond milk
  • 2 tbsp flax seed (optional)
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds (optional)
  • 2 medjool dates if needs sweetener


  • Wash your fruit thoroughly
  • Add all your ingredients in a blender and blend until well mixed
  • Garnish with more berries on top, ground almonds, or a mint leaf
  • Enjoy! You can store any leftover smoothie blend for 2-3 days

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